Search by category: 2023

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Laureation address: Professor Simon Tavaré

Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science Laureation by Professor Ineke De Moortel FRSE, Master of the United College Wednesday 14 June 2023 Vice-Chancellor, it is my privilege to present for the degree of Doctor of…

University of St Andrews crest

Graduation address: Professor Frank Gunn-Moore

Wednesday 14 June 2023 Morning ceremony Vice-Chancellor, special guests, colleagues, and graduates… First of all, my heartfelt congratulations! Well done to the graduates, but also well done to their families and…

University of St Andrews crest

Graduation address: Professor Brad MacKay

Tuesday 13 June 2023 Afternoon ceremony Vice-Chancellor, honoured guests, everyone, it is my privilege to address our new graduates on such a momentous occasion. I want to begin with a hearty congratulations to you…

University of St Andrews crest

Graduation address: Professor Mark Chaplain

Tuesday 13 June 2023 Morning ceremony Vice-Chancellor, colleagues, honoured guests, and graduates of the University of St Andrews… Under normal circumstances today is a day of joy and celebration, a day to celebrate…

University of St Andrews crest

Graduation address: Ester Ruskuc

Monday 12 June 2023 Afternoon ceremony Vice-Chancellor, special guests, colleagues, and graduates, it is an honour to give this Graduation address today and congratulate all our graduates on your achievements.…